With over 27 000 user sessions each week on average, Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is one of MazeMap’s most active and popular installations globally. How did they manage to create this success?

Heaps of new students are now using MazeMap to navigate the labyrinths of AUT. *(C) Auckland University of Technology*

AUT decided to opt for MazeMap in September 2016 after seeing how well aligned the product was with their digital strategy for the next years. They had recently performed a survey revealing that digital wayfinding was a top need amongst students, and wanted to address this issue both in their own app as well as web services. As MazeMap allows you to use the same map service for both purposes while centrally managing the system, the choice was clear.

“AUT encourages our students to collaborate, experiment and find new ways to address old problems and our approach to technology to make their lives easier reflects this. The MazeMap platform makes wayfinding around our campuses simpler and has been extremely popular", says Liz Gosling, Chief Information Officer of AUT.

While developing the digital wayfinding platform, MazeMap and AUT had weekly meetings to ensure that we were well on track with all key features for the installation. After quality assurance and finalizing integrations, the university decided to go live in March 2017, with user numbers sky-rocketing at an early stage.

The MazeMap installation at AUT has been immensely popular with over 27 000 user sessions each week.

Part of the success lies in that AUT has made it easy for students to reach and use the system, and placed it at handy locations for students to access it without changing any user behaviour. The students log in to the intranet anyway for other purposes, and then it’s easy to make use of MazeMap to figure out where their next class is, or where to meet their friends.

“One of the reasons why we are so proud to be partnering with AUT is because they are actually leveraging the flexibility of our platform to a great extent. Being able to use the same map system and embedding it in different services to students is a core strength of MazeMap, and the user numbers goes to show that this makes sense for the end users as well. The whole MazeMap team thinks that it’s been a pleasure to work with AUT for this.”, says Steinar Morland, Director of Asia Pacific in MazeMap.

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