Hospitals are an integral part of healthcare and play a crucial role in saving lives. But, like all institutions, they also consume energy and contribute to carbon emissions, which have a significant impact on the environment.

Many hospitals have taken significant steps towards sustainability. For example, the NHS has created the NHS STP’s to set ambitious goals to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and many hospitals have adopted energy-efficient technologies and practices to reduce their carbon footprint. According to the NHS sustainability report ‘Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service’, 15% of the NHS’ total carbon emissions come from estates and facilities services.

So what steps are estates and facilities departments taking to decarbonise healthcare?

Optimizing building usage

Hospitals often have limited spaces for frequently used services, yet larger areas that are infrequently used throughout the week. Employing an occupancy monitoring system and heatmaps helps hospitals understand how their facilities are being used, how patients and staff are moving around the hospital and identify areas where space is being wasted.

Real-time energy monitoring and control

Implementing a digital twin allows healthcare facilities to have better control over HVAC systems and lighting, allowing for a more sustainable hospital. This technology provides valuable insights into how energy is being consumed, showing where improvements can be made. When paired with indoor positioning and occupancy monitoring, the system can detect when areas of the building are unoccupied and HVAC and lighting can be adjusted automatically to reduce emissions and save on energy costs.

Onsite renewable energy

Installing systems such as solar panels, solar thermal or other renewable sources makes for a more energy efficient hospital. This can be combined with a digital twin to enable facilities managers to implement greener building strategies.

More virtual appointments

By improving digital healthcare solutions, hospitals can reduce the number of visitors to the hospital. This saves essential facilities for those who need it most and allows hospitals to conserve more energy. 

In conclusion, the healthcare industry has a crucial role to play in reducing its carbon footprint and achieving carbon neutrality. Hospitals can adopt energy-efficient technologies, encourage sustainable practices, and use tools like MazeMap to understand their energy consumption and identify areas for improvement. By taking these steps, hospitals can ensure that they are providing the best care for their patients while also contributing to a more sustainable future.

Are you interested in learning how MazeMap can contribute to your carbon neutrality plan? Get your free trial of MazeMap here.

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