MazeMap has been working with Cisco location services since 2011, and has enjoyed a strong relationship with Cisco as a preferred solution partner ever since its inception as a company. Over the last years, MazeMap has become the global map partner of Cisco for their large-scale events such as Cisco Live and Cisco GSX. MazeMap’s map services represent a real business outcome of Cisco’s WiFi appliances, and has represented a competitive edge for Cisco Wireless for customers wanting to exploit location services to their full extent.

For this year’s GSX in Las Vegas, MazeMap will be delivering a record of three map-based services for the event, all of which are present in the EventBase App for GSXFY19:

Classic Wayfinding
Picture illustrating MazeMap in the Cisco Live Berlin App

MazeMap delivers wayfinding for the GSX mobile application. Image example from Cisco Live EMEAR.

Leveraging CMX 10.5 and northbound API calls, MazeMap gives a real time, very scalable blue-dot navigation experience for all attendees. You can search for any exhibitors in The Hub, or simply check the session pages in the app for where your next session is, which links automatically to the map service. Click the “find my position” button to get your position in the maps.

Find my Friends
Picture illustrating MazeMap in the Cisco Live Berlin App

MazeMap delivers Find my Friends for the GSX mobile application. Image example from MazeMap HQ.

After continued success with Find my Friends at Cisco Lives, the highly popular service is now finally present at GSX. Create collaboration groups with your team, and share your real time position on the venue maps. Your location is only visible to your team, and you can create as many collaboration groups as you want. With a simple opt-in-opt-out interface, Find my Friends is GDPR compliant, and leverages the very same infrastructure as the wayfinding service to get updates on each device’s real time position.

Find an Expert (Together with TurnoutNow)
Picture illustrating Find an Expert

MazeMap delivers Find an Expert with TurnoutNow for the GSX mobile application. Map example from Cisco Live EMEAR.

We’re particularly proud of working together with TurnoutNow to deliver a service providing real time information on where different experts are located. MazeMap is providing the base map services as well as a flexible API interface for TurnoutNow to place pin markers on the whereabouts of topic experts in The Hub area. TurnOutNow is leveraging the CMX location zones to get information on which zones the experts are present in, and placing pin markers on a base MazeMap map illustrating where they are.

And of course, we’re going to be there too!

Picture illustrating The MazeMap team on cisco Live

MazeMap team at Cisco Live US.

If you’re headed over to Las Vegas for GSX and think this looks interesting – why don’t you come and see us? Just search for MazeMap in the wayfinding service in the app, and you’ll be sure to have a pleasant conversation!

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