Create announcement campaigns

The first step in promoting your new maps is to let your users know about your new solution and how it can help them.

Utilize your internal channels:

  • Create an announcement post on your Intranet site
  • Send out a company-wide email
  • If you feel it’s relevant, you can even train the marketing & events team on how to create themed maps for special events

If your maps will also be used by people outside of your organization, create some content to share externally:

  • Write a blog post or article showing users how the maps work
  • Create an announcement post on social media
  • Share the new feature with customers in your email newsletter
  • You can also share our existing videos, which can be found here

For educational institutions:

  • Let students and staff know about the maps in your internal newsletters
  • Ask student associations to promote MazeMap through their communication channels
  • Ask your university publication(s) to write an article.
  • Do you have any student film production groups? Why not set them the task of creating a video to introduce MazeMap and show how it’s used?

Utilize QR codes

MazeMap can automatically generate QR codes for directions or points of interest on the map. These QR codes can be added to materials such as physical signage, posters, flyers, or brochures and distributed around the building. You can find copies of our design assets and brand guidelines here.

For universities and colleges, these flyers and posters will come in especially useful during the introductory week. If you want to get really creative, you could set-up a scavenger hunt using QR codes placed around the building!

Integrate MazeMap with your calendar, timetabling, or appointment reminder systems

MazeMap allows you to add URLs to your calendar booking, timetabling, or patient reminder systems. This makes it super easy for users to get directions to their next appointment.

Universities: By integrating MazeMap with your timetabling system, you enable users to receive a URL that shows them exactly where their classroom is located.

Hospitals: Hospitals can incorporate MazeMap URLs into their patient reminder text messages, showing patients the exact part of the hospital that they need to navigate to. If your hospital uses letters as an appointment reminder, you can include QR codes generated by MazeMap. Patients can then scan the QR code to open the map on their smartphone or tablet.

Offices: Offices can incorporate our meeting room booking solution with their calendar. When users click on the calendar appointment, they’ll then see a URL that they can click on to get directions to their meeting.

Embed MazeMap into your own-branded app or web page

We provide a code so you can embed your map, making it more accessible and visible to your users. This is normally a simple task for IT to set up. The technical documents for this can be found here.

Set up self-service tablets/kiosks at public entrances

Kiosks can act as information screens or for patients to check themselves in for their appointment. Having them available when users enter the building allows them to navigate to their destination quickly and easily. Users can even scan a QR code on the screen to get a copy of the directions on their smartphone.
Here’s an example of our kiosk mode.

Inform suppliers and service personnel about MazeMap

By letting suppliers know in advance about your new maps, you can help them plan their route well before they arrive. If you have the map views feature enabled, you can set up service routes for maintenance and cleaning personnel. Check out our feature page to learn more about map views and their funtions.

If you have any questions about marketing your maps, don't hesitate to reach out to our marketing team!

If you’d like to discuss how MazeMap can help out your organization, get in touch for a non-committal chat.

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